Saturday 17 April 2010

It's gonna be a race!

With one day left to go, there are four teams (Equipos) vying for first place. With a seven day overall time of 26:54:50 the #3 team of Paulette Maldera (riding Louna Rivoiron) and Daniel Maldera (riding Otello de Rivoiron) are in first place.

photos: #3 Paulette and Louna and #3 Daniel and Otello

Three minutes behind at 26:50:10 are the #2 team of Pierre Chambost riding Mourad del Sol and Jean Pierre Lerisset on Massar.

photos: Pierre Champost on Masser and Mourad and Jean Pierre Lerriset on Mourad

With a time of 27:02:27, #8 team Veronique Gaillard (riding Loukom) and Yvan Gaillard (riding Nasir de la Loze)are 7 minutes behind the leaders.

photos: Veronique Gaillard on Loukom and Yvan Gaillard on Nasir

The next closest team is Jose Antonion Aguilar Viana riding Rayito and Baney with an overall time of 27:44:10.

photo: Jose Viana riding Baney

The Equipos division is two horses, and either one or two riders.

The Binomios division (one horse and one rider) has a clear leader after the seventh day, the pair of Eduardo Sanchez and Hidalgo Hermes with an overall time of 31:26:16.

photo: Eduardo and Hidalgo

The next closest Binomios competitors are Germany's Heike Blumel on Lens Armstrong and Swiss rider Elsbeth Brunner on Capoe.

photos: Heike and Lens and Elseth on Capoe

But with a lead of 2:49 over these two, Eduardo and Hidalgo will be hard to beat!

Complete standings after day 7 - dowload pdf

Photo galleries and results from all seven days

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