We pulled out of Gotta Go Ranch Sunday at noon. I was planning on traveling Monday and Tuesday, but a seriously scary weather forecast prompted a quick pack and go.We left as the sonoran desert was in full springtime bloom - green and lush from all of the El Nino rains, the wildflowers were spectacular. Kevin and Rusty were in tshirts by the time we left, getting ready for a ride and getting ready for the summer weather to come.
We drove west through Wickenburg and Kingman, across the Hoover Dam, around Las Vegas, then north into Utah where we did an overnight stay at the regional park and race track outside of Hurricane. It was still pretty warm, the horses didn't need blankets.
The spring slowly disappeared as we drove north. Remnant snow drifts on the passes in Utah, winter brown grass and budless trees... it was a bit sad. but - on the other hand we get to have two springs! And the northern spring isn't that far off.

Two days of catching up on computer stuff and accounts as the storm swirled around - quite a bit of rain fell, some snow which quickly melted at the ranch but remained on the surrounding mountains and hills. The sun came in and out, warming the air for a bit, then disappearing with another flurry of rain or snow. There's quite a bit of grass down in the lower elevations, and serious signs of springtime - fat buds on the cottonwoods, a few small succulents and low growing flowers. It's coming, really...

And, I get do a couple of my very favorite things: mark trail by ATV, and ride! I spent the day getting updated on the course with Regina, then heading out to mark the loop to the river and around Wildhorse Butte. It was one of those spring days that can't make up it's mind - cold and cloudy, sunny, snow flurries, calm moments, spits of rain - I could see the clouds doing their theatrics all around me while I hung ribbons - in the wind wearing gloves is not the easiest way to tie a ribbon around a scrubby desert shrub - but I got it done.
Today I'm headed back over to mark another section of trail. We'll do the ride meeting tonight, and will drive over in the morning with the horses to start the ride - it's a short drive. The truck is hooked up to the small trailer with a water tank on the bed, so it's not free to pull our LQ trailer. We'll just pretend we're hauling out for a trail ride. I'm planning (!!) to ride slowly with Merri/Jose and Carol/Sooz for a fun relaxing day. I love these trails, either way (fast or slow) it will be enjoyable!
Tough Sucker website and coverage
Posted By Endurance.Net to Steph's Endurance on 4/02/2010 08:12:00 AM=20
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