And after a complicated ride briefing (tomorrow is going to be a logistical challenge) we were treated to bodega samples - dry white Manzanilla, and a sweeter golden sherry. Both were very good, It's a beautiful old city - I wish I had more time to explore it! But, I'm sitting here in a quiet corner, eating tapas, drinking a glass of vino tinto, can't complain. I don't have a drop of Spanish blood in me... but I feel so at home with the people here - maybe it's just the Andalusians - a culture of horses and wine :) I absolutely love the people and the land and the music of Spain (a little flamenco playing in the background). mmmm....
So, today: It was really early (5am) and really dark when my alarm went off. Today I would go with Antonio in one of the Rhino's (overgrown ATV) with one of the TV camera crews. Really dark, a little chilly - I wore a pair of riding tights under my jeans, and a few layers, but didn't have my a coat. I had left it with Ines on the ATV the day before and never got around to going to get it - and she was still sleeping at 6am (having worked most of the night before) so I was a bit shivery, and ended up with Soto's jacket - actually it had his daughter's name on it, but nevertheless it kept me warm and I felt very Andalus-y all day :)
The riders left from the Virgin Church in El Rocio at 7am - still pretty dark - but they were led out of town by the organizers and various ATV's and Rhinos and support vehicles. It was cloudy and it stayed too dark for photos pretty well into the morning. We wound though the outskirts of town, aroused a few pastures of sleeping horses - one group followed us for a while, led by a gray which glowed in the semi dark forest. Nice.

We had a little more daylight as the riders approached the beach - it was really wet and swampy in places that had been dry and dusty when I rode it 2 years ago. Flowing creeks, small lakes - lagos - that we had to drive around, the horses sloshed through them since the footing was still firm and sandy. And then to the beach, la playa, for the next 25 miles. Amazing. A few miles along the beach and then the vet check.

It was hard work for the horses though - many of them looked quite tired at the finish. So many miles of sand, the third day for some of them. And I think some went pretty fast for the first couple of days. The real challenge is to finish all 8 days on the same horse. Tomorrow the terrain changes. We'll drive to a staging area an hour and half outside of Sanlucar, and start there. The trail will now start climbing into the mountains. Tomorrow we'll finish in Ronda (a very old spectacular city - with some original Roman structures still in place).
I didn't get all the photos from yesterday processed yet, but there are still lots more photos and results and stuff at coverage page - http://www.endurance.net/international/Spain/2010AlAndalus/
Another day!
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